Sunday, May 11, 2008

Saturday Night Fever

Nothing much new to report. I've had a quiet weekend. Last night I went to a birthday outing and discovered that the best people-watching is on Saturday nights at the bars. They call bachelorette parties 'Hen Nights' and bachelor parties are 'Stag Nights.' Last night we were witness to a Hen Night that will stick in my memory for some time. The group arrived wearing pinstriped suits and fedora hats. One poor girl amongst them was pregnant. They all got their drinks and sat down toward the front of the bar. Not too long after that, an "NYPD officer" walked in. He proceeded to strip down to his tighty whities for the crowd of squealing hens. It was quite a sight. And the shoes girls wear around here... it's something else. They dress up pretty fancy to go out on the town, and they are probably wearing the same shoes that are worn in the states - super tall heels. It's probably so amazing to me because I cannot imagine 1) standing in them all night long and 2) walking home in them at the end of the night. I heard a radio talk show host talking last week about how many girls he sees walking home barefoot at 4 in the morning. The mere thought of that is utterly disgusting to me - the amount of dog poo and other random dirtiness is enough to put someone in the hospital. If they need to be coerced into never doing that again, they should take a look at the bottoms of their shoes every once in a while. YUCK!!! I watch the ground a lot around here. There's some pretty gross stuff just waiting for the bottom of a shoe or, for that matter, some idiot's bare foot.

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