Monday, January 12, 2009

Not meant to be...

I spent about fifteen minutes this morning trying to get my *brand new* contact to feel good in my right eye. At first, I felt like I was looking through a cloud so I took it out. While I was carefully examining the lens it slipped off my finger and behind the radiator, luckily onto the floor instead of sticking and melting. I picked it up, washed it off and tried again. This time, pain and burning. I put my finger on it and rolled it around in my eye, to no avail. I popped it back out to look at it again and it fell to the floor. Again. At that point, I was risking being late for the last bus, so I stuck it in the case to clean and put my glasses on. I have been wearing contacts for 10 years and have never encountered a defective contact lens straight from the package. I guess something had to go wrong on a Monday morning. I'll try again tomorrow. If it is still cloudy or burns, I'm chalking it up to a loss.

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