Sunday, November 9, 2008

Super Soaker

After stopping at the SPAR for a paper, I spent yesterday afternoon at a coffee shop with some friends, which could possibly become a Saturday ritual. While I was digging for the change to pay for the paper, the clerk handed me a free copy of Vanity Fair with the cover ripped off. One of my friends had picked up a DVD player for me during the week, so he brought that to the coffee shop. After coffee, we went to a bakery around the corner (walking past the Bernard Shaw birthplace) and I picked up a loaf of rye bread. I went back to Janelle's place because her boyfriend had a scart cord, which I needed for the DVD player. After eating some of the carrot cake Janelle had bought at the bakery to pass the time while it was raining, we headed for the tram. Right after we got out the door it started pouring and the wind went insane. In two blocks, my umbrella had turned inside out 4 times! With all of my bags of stuff, I decided to get a taxi. It was well worth the €5 I spent. However, I left my hat in the taxi, so now I have to buy a new one. BUT... my umbrella seems to have survived the debacle. I have had that umbrella for about 6 years now. Takes a lickin' and keeps on... well, working if the wind isn't crazy.

Disgruntled by yesterday's super-soaker, I stayed in most of today. I only went to the store to pick up some stuff for dinner tonight. Luckily, I made it out and back in between showers. There was even some sunshine for my stroll!

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