Sunday, July 13, 2008

Weekend in the Country

This weekend was dog-sitting in the country. It was a very relaxing weekend, and still fun. I rode the bus and the train to meet my Australian friend in Dun Laoghaire (pronounced LEERY) to see Mamma Mia and do a little shopping. We rode back down to the house and watched Crocodile Dundee. It was fun watching one of the only 'pieces' of Australia I've ever seen with an Australian! This morning we got up and had some breakfast and did some baking - banana bread, which was delicious, took the dog for a walk, then sat outside with our books listening to music for a couple of hours.
I also booked my trip to Vienna, which won the vote for September's trip. Vienna - 5, Stockholm - 4 and Prague - 3. Thanks to all of you who helped me decide. If I have a bad time there, I'll know who to blame!

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