Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Update on Attic-tivity

So I got some pest control going on last Thursday. I got the best pest control rep ever by some stroke of luck, and he set me up with all kinds of artillery to battle the attic noises. However, he checked his baited traps this morning and there were no victims. I didn't know how I would feel about the results check up this morning, but when he didn't bring anything down with him I was disappointed. He had plugged the holes where the little critters were getting in with some steel wool, and I wonder if maybe the "crew" came on Thursday night, saw the steel wool and moved on to the next homeowner for a new place to bunk. At any rate, I'm sleeping a bit easier knowing I've taken action. Or, uh, paid someone else to take action. Now if I could just get rid of the killer heartburn keeping me up at night, I'd be all set. It's always something.

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